Education (Formal & Informal)
Education is the only parameter to measure the level of advancement and prosperity of a society or community. It is also a birth right of each and every citizen on the earth without any discrimination. But, unfortunately the access to education of some people are denied due to social or political stigma and lack of resources. However, in today’s paradigm of SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY clubbed with several modes and means of distant education through informal or formal vehicles of education, it has become very much possible to EDUCATE MASSES and make them EMPLOYABLE & RELEVANT to the time for dignified LIVELIHOOD and SURVIVAL.
Our INNOVATION around education would be EMPLOYABILITY centric than educational CERTIFICATIONS. In order to capitalize on India’s remarkable demographic dividend, the country must not just improve the quality of its education but also create employment opportunities, while ensuring increased participation of women in the work force. Young people must be motivated and allowed to participate in decision-making, especially in areas that have a direct impact on their future.
As of today, young people contribute to about 34% of India’s gross national income.
This is where IAEGlocal’s unique MODELs of education start where the class room teaching ends. The SOCIAL technology revolution across the globe with relatively poor infrastructure (IT) in some the countries create an impediment in reaching to the masses through ONLINE mode of PROFESSIONAL and EMPLOYABILITY oriented PROGRAM which are being worked upon by several Incubatees of IAEGlocal.
• One of the iconic verticals of IAEGlocal named Life Skill Engineering (LSE) capitalizes and builds on human competencies through its informal professional coaching, education, training & pedagogy. LSE has a proven legacy of coaching students, parents and young professionals for their academic as well as professional excellence in a JOB or as an ENTREPRENEUR. This program revolves around the mission of developing and preparing “GLOBAL FUTURE LEADERS”.
• The very first informal school of its own kind in the country would be launched soon under the brand name of “Gurusharnam” Vidyalaya (GSV) with its registered trademark under the Intellectual Property Rights Act of the country.
Education is the only tool which works as an EYE OPENER for human being. The literacy rate in Indian is increasing day by day. The mushrooming of private educational institutions across the country has played an important role in enhancing the literacy rate, due to which we have millions and millions of technical and non technical graduates who are becoming eligible but EMPLOYABLE for jobs and ENTREPRENEURIAL opportunities.
However, with an increase in literacy, there has been an alarming downfall in the quality of human resources which are available to the industry to drive the economy of approximately 1.35 billion + population. This has been the result due to depleting quality of EDUCATIONAL institutions and also due to MUSROOMING of “ACADEMIC COACHING & TUTION MAFIAS”.
IAEGlocal has been imparting professional skills with students and professionals to bring them at par with the available talent pool of the world. This is where, IAEGlocal works in space of Life Skill Engineering (LSE) through which today’s children (Xth above) are being developed as tomorrow’s INNOVATORs and LEADERs.
IAEGlocal’s effort is to make education more and more engaging through THINKING, INNOVATION & also by imbibing entrepreneurial traits to be a JOB CREATOR than an EMPLOYEE. Our upcoming “APPLICATION” may enhance the reach of most of our YOUNGISTAN population to our unique PEDAGOGY, PROFESSIONAL COACHING and ENTREPRENEURIAL program.
IAEGlocal working in the space to impart knowledge & skills sets through our “BROADCASTING” form of “PROFESSIONAL COACHING” at a nominal cost.
IAEGlocal is determined to develop “COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION WEB BASED APPLICATION” for the benefits of masses to apply and prepare for those exams.
IAEGlocal is determined to work in the field of ETHICS of EDUCATION and EDUVIRUS which will make this world sustainable and livable for the welfare of humanity.

Education is the only tool which works as an EYE OPENER for human being. The literacy rate in our country in increasing day by day. The mushrooming of private educational institutions across the country has played an important role in enhancing the literacy rate, due to which we have millions and millions of technical and non technical graduates who are becoming eligible for jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities. However, with the advent of increase in literacy, there has been an alarming downfall in the quality of human resources which are available to the industry to drive the economy of approximately 1.35 billion population.
IAEGlocal has been imparting professional skills with students and professionals to bring them at par with the available talent pool in the country. This is where, IAEGlocal works in space of Life Skill Engineering (LSE) through which today’s children (Xth above) are being developed as tomorrow’s INNOVATORs and LEADERs.
IAEGlocal’s effort is to make education more engaging through THINKING, INNOVATION & also by imbibing entrepreneurial traits to be JOB creator that an EMPLOYEE. Our upcoming “APPLICATION” may enhance the reach of most of our YOUNGISTAN population to our unique PEDAGOGY, PROFESSIONAL COACHING and ENTREPRENEURIAL program.
We are working in the space to impart knowledge & skills sets through our “BROADCASTING” form of “COACHING” at a nominal cost.
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