Bridge between you & IAEGlocal
As promised to our prospects (target audience) seeking an opportunity to collaborate with us and work together to have more and more EMPLOYABLE masses through Innovation & Entrepreneurship, we have designed our Road Shows to be at your door step.

Road Shows
Work Shops & Round Tables across the country in Delhi-NCR, Colombo (Sri Lanka), Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkatta & Guwahati and spreading across Semi Urban & Rural Areas.
These Work Shops welcome our august audience from all strata of society without any discrimination on the lines of qualification, age, experience, caste, creed, race or religion etc. Creation of Focus Group to attend and nurture Social Imagineer or Innovators or Ideators or Incubatee or Aspirants during the event to continue our long term relationship.

Work Shops Participants’ Profile
- One must have the willingness and desire to START something on his own with or without idea or mission/money/mentor and/or any other ingredient needed to become EMPLOYABLE or a successful ENTREPRENEUR.
- People struggling to be contemporary and relevant to the time, technology & trend to be EMPLOYABLE as a part of the GIG Economy.
- Corporations planning to diversify or expand into an innovated and promising industry space or also exploring an opportunity of Re-Engineering or Re- Structuring to retain their brand presence in the new generation business and industrial world.
- Corporations which are not able to RETAIN their good quality talent pool in the organization. How entrepreneurship can help these employers to retain people within their eco-system.
- Social Imagineer, Ideators, Innovators who are willing to work in 365 Degree Start Up eco-system as a “COLLABORATIVE INNOVATOR” with “SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY” to be graduated as an anchor Incubatee / Start Up.

Round Table Participants’ Profile
- Investors and Start Ups of any size or volume or nature from across the world.

Start Up Coaches
IAE™ has Permanent & Visiting Coaches & Mentors; Mid and Senior level working professionals from MSME, Public Sector, Indian Blue Chip Companies and MNCs; Women Entrepreneurs, Iconic Start Ups, Businessmen and Industrialists, Investment Bankers, Agriculture Business People, Bureaucrats, Film & Media Professionals, Freelance Professionals, Legal Professionals, Diplomats & Politicians; VRS Holder Executives etc.
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Let's help you!
- Gurgaon (HR) – India
- +91-965-421-7002 & 7003
- connect@credenceglocal.com