International Acceleration Partners (IAP)
The Indian Academy of Entrepreneurship® (IAEGlocal) welcomes and embraces International Acceleration Partners (IAP) from around the world. These IAPs are mostly Business Houses (Local & MNCs), Not For Profit, Interest & Pressure Groups, Professional Bodies etc who are working for proliferation of education, innovation, entrepreneurship & employability through “Business of Business” to serve & save humanity. Partnering with these IAPs pave a joint path for both institutions to reach to the crème-de-la-crème of ideators & innovators who wish to change the world order in different time zones by their contributions to the mother earth.
Toronto Business Development Centre (TBDC)
Toronto Business Development Center (TBDC) is the very first Start Up Incubator of Canada, which started its story way back in 1990 and the same continues till date with their global footprints of business acceleration & support to enhance brand visibility of new businesses in North America & in the world. They offer access to key resources such as business advisory support and a professional environment to establish your business.
At the Toronto Business Development Center (TBDC) they offer programs that provide access to a network of key resources that can help accelerate growth for Start-Ups. They strategically designed our services to help business thrive. They offer an unmatched mentor network, access to capital through our Angel Investor Network, and a portfolio of support services required to help you build and scale.
TBDC motivates entrepreneurial-minded individuals from diverse communities to develop their business plans and to effectively Start Up their companies through a variety of tailored programs. TBDC and its affiliate organizations provide advisory support to young student entrepreneurs, individuals currently receiving social assistance, and persons with disabilities. TBDC & Indian Academy of Entrepreneurship® (IAEGlocal) partner the mission & movement of nurturing Start Ups in and around the world to create innovation & employment opportunities for masses by building these organizations as bedrocks of “Dignified Livelihood Solutions” in line with the vision of IAEGlocal.
- Name of the Project: Indian PEERs
- Date:
- Venue:
- URL:

Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques
AIESEC is an international youth-run, non-governmental and not-for-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural internships, and global volunteer exchange experiences. The organization focuses on empowering young people to make a progressive social impact. The AIESEC network includes approximately 44,280 members in 120+ countries. AIESEC is a non-governmental in consultative status with the United Nation Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC), is an independent arm of the UNDP and UN’s Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, member of ICMYO, and is recognized by UNESCO AIESEC’s international headquarters are in, Canada.
The idea behind AIESEC started in 1938, when representatives from schools across Europe exchanged information about various programs and schools that specialized in business and economics. Students had been carrying out internships in other countries, mostly on their own initiative, but this came to a standstill with the onslaught of World War II In 1944, the neutral Scandinavian countries were still exchanging students. Bertil Hedberg, an official at the Stockholm School of Economics, and students Jaroslav Zich (of Czechoslovakia) and Stanislas Callens (of Belgium), founded AIESEC on July 2nd, 1946, under the name Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques (AIESE, or AIESEc) with a headquarter in Prague and Jaroslav Zich as the first President of the association.
In 1949, 89 students were exchanged by AIESEC among the member nations. The next two annual congresses were conducted in Stockholm, presided by Bengt Sjӧstrand, and in Paris, presided by Jean Choplin, respectively. At those congresses the organization’s mission was stated: “to expand the understanding of a nation by expanding the understanding of the individuals, changing the world one person at a time. Also a constitution for the organization defined a purpose: “AIESEC is an independent, non-political, and international organization which has as its purpose to establish and promote the friendly relations between the members.
The Indian Academy of Entrepreneurship® (IAEGlocal) partners with AIESEC of IIT Delhi in India to expedite their movement of internship, training & development, employment & entrepreneurship by giving an opportunity to all deserving & aspirational Indian youth in fulfilling their dreams of serving the nation & the world.
- Name of the Project: Indian PEERs
- Venue: Virtual
- Date & Time: 4th October till 12th October 2020
- Registration Link: ly/YES_Registrations
CredenceGlocal® Corporation
CredenceGlocal® Corporation has its global presence with its services revolving around “Setting Up, Managing & Operating” as business of any nature anywhere in the world. It has its Foundation in India (Delhi) while catering to the business needs of Start Ups & Business Houses all over the world with its benign presence in the form of state & national representatives. As on date it has touched upon the systems & processes of almost all 500 fortune companies of the world either as customer or as a service provider to them. Under its Life Skill Engineering (LSE) program, its mentors & coaches have trained & got approximately 2000 + professionals placed in and around the world in different sectors. Most of its alumni are scattered over India, Hong Kong, Middle East, Canada, USA, Japan, Europe, Australia etc.
It carries a rich legacy of helping Indian as well as MNCs in India & Africa in setting up their businesses as Start Ups since last one decade. Most of its Start Ups and business houses are associated with this business advisory corporation as its prospective investors & ideators in propagating the mission & movement of “Dignified Livelihood Solutions” through “Entrepreneurship (e-ship) & Employability (e-ability)” to one & all across the world through the vehicle of Indian Academy of Entrepreneurship (IAEGlocal) without any prejudice.
It has several global & domestic partners within its eco-system to serve the needs of Funding & Fiduciary Services, Branding & Marketing Services, IT & ITeS Services, SCM & Logistics Services, People Resource Management Services of all its stakeholders to generate more & more employable resources with employment opportunities.
- Name of the Project: Global PEERs
- Venue: Actual & Virtual
- Date & Time: Infinite
- URL Link: