Academy Nominations

Nomination Form

Please find details at the end of the form
(If not yet decided in case of early stage Start Up, please write the names of Founder & Co Founders)
Please select category you want to apply (May apply for more than one)
Please attach Pitch Deck (maximum 15-20 slides/5-10 pages containing business, operating & revenue models; financial & customer traction; legal structure & background of Founder/Co Founders etc) on

Type of Startup*
Ideation or seeding through imagination of a Start Up
The Proof of Concept (POC) is readily available to develop the prototype of the product or service to be launched for piloting
Start Up which is operating in the market with its financial and customer traction in the country with its brand presence. The technology and business model is futuristic and sustainable to qualify through Joint Acceleration Program (JAP)